Satya Yoga Immersion is a 9-month; 250 hour Yoga Teacher Training proram designed to deepen the connection to your truth (Inner Compass of the Soul) through the lens of prana, positive psychology, trauma informed yoga and Ayurveda, and our deep connection to this planet, our Mother Earth. The program offers a safe container to take a deep dive inward while being supported by eachother. You will grow a sacred community while inspiring one another to shine brighter than you ever have before. This Soul Growth Academy is for anyone who is interested in growing, healing, transforming through the embodied language of yoga.​
This is a content-rich, holistic training program that explores what it truly means to practice yoga as a way of being both on and off the mat. That depth of Self-awareness and nurtured, open curiosity as a practice absolutely informs offering my Dharma to others.
— Carla F., program graduate
Self-study is the heart of Satya Yoga, and the program offers you a one-of-a-kind opportunity to make a deep commitment to learning more about yourself. The Satya community provides you honest, loving support, devoted to offering an atmosphere in which freedom of self-expression, creativity, and passion are encouraged. Being a dedicated student of yoga will help you learn better ways to gain and use self-knowledge, ground and regulate your inner landscape, and positively affect the hearts and minds of those with whom you come in contact.
Through this engagement, you will celebrate personal growth and confidently begin your journey towards sharing the magic of yoga with others.
In Satya Yoga Immersion,
we dive deep into:
Embodied Hatha Yoga & Pranayama
Creating and Nurturing Daily Ritual (Dinacharya)
Embodied Conscious Leadership
Trauma Informed Practices & Awarenesses
Yoga Philosophy (Sankhya, Sutras, Raja, Tantra)
Asana (postures)
Physical Anatomy and Physiology
Energetic Anatomy (Chakras, Meridians)
Pranayama (breath)
History of Yoga
The program is 9 months, each themed by the elements and anatomy. One weekend of each month we will immerse ourselvers in the depth & growth of embodied yoga and Ayruveda.
Saturday & Sunday 8am - 6pm (includes 90 minute lunch on your own).
LOCATION: Village Yoga Sedona, AZ
2024 - 2025
Yoga Training Dates
Oct 26th - 27th
Nov 23rd - 24th
Dec 21st - 22nd
Jan 25th - 26th
Feb 22nd - 23rd
Mar 22nd - 23rd
Apr 19th - 20th
May 17th - 18th
Jun 6th - 8th​​
Weekly asana practice is required throughout the program. Your unlimited Village Yoga membership is included in the cost of training. Committing to weekly Satya practices as well as branching out to other teachers and styles is a pillar in the Satya Yoga experience, exposing us to the limitless forms youg can be offered, adding an unparalleled richness to the depth of your experience. Virtual practices are available when attending in person is not.
Soña has been leading Yoga Alliance approved 200hr, 300hr, 500hr Yoga Teacher Trainings for over decade, graduating over 150 students worldwide. Since YA shifts in 2020, Satya no nonger aligns with this system of yoga management. This program is designed to be far richer than any YA matrix and a part of this is due to the in depth mentorship you receive directly from Soña.
To keep us connected between weekend immersions, there are readings, short videos or audio, and reflections you will log in your Sadhana (spirtual practice) Journal. ​​

This was a life-changing experience. This course focuses on all aspects of yoga, not just poses and sequences. I have grown tremendously as a yogi and as a person.
— Karen S.

This program was unique and different from other forms of traditional western culture yoga teacher trainings. The curriculum was intentionally crafted to dive deep and turn inward with a heavy focus on philosophy.
— Becca H.